What's going on with Matthew in Istanbul.

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Saturday, February 02, 2002
This is my first entry in a little diary I am putting together. I am not sure what the theme is yet - or even if there is one at all. It's mostly going to be about my life here in Istanbul and maybe some of the projects I am working on. Why don't I begin by telling you a little bit about myself. I'm a visiting researcher at the Bosphorus University in Istanbul (that's Boðaziçi Üniversitesi in Turkish). The university is on break now and I'm spending most of my time studying Turkish at TÖMER, a language school. Here are some of the things I like: typography and graphic design, Macintoshes, world band radio, Columbia University, books (especially used) and book collecting, world music and, of course, Turkey. That's enough for today. Have a look at some of my links and tomorrow I will add more.